Home School Agreement

As a Catholic Community, the school will:

  • Develop the spiritual life of all students through the daily act of worship, study of the faith, celebration of the mass, and the organisation of liturgical services, retreats, pilgrimages, and talks.
  • Foster a spirit of Christian service by encouraging students to be generous with their time and talents and to show compassion for those who are less fortunate.
  • Teach children to care for their surroundings and to be courteous and respectful towards all persons.
  • Provide a broad, balanced, challenging curriculum which stretches the academic, addresses special needs, rewards effort, and is enriched by a wide variety of extra-curricular activities.
  • Assess students' work regularly, set, mark, and monitor homework, and report to parents at least twice a year.
  • Be open and welcoming at all times, arrange an annual parents' evening, and inform parents immediately of any concerns regarding achievement, attendance, or punctuality.
  • Keep parents informed about, and involved in policy-making decisions and work with parents at all times to achieve the highest possible standards of academic achievement.


As parents and carers we will:

  • Support the school's Catholic ethos and mission .
  • Help to encourage and motivate our child to try their best in school.
  • Send our child to school each day, on time, in the correct uniform with an acceptable hairstyle and no jewellery.
  • Contact school to explain absence on the same day of that absence.
  • Avoid taking holidays during term time.
  • Check that our child brings books to take part in lessons.
  • Support our child in homework and preparing for examinations.
  • Attend parents' evenings to discuss progress.
  • Make the school aware of any problems that might affect our child's work or behaviour in school.

Working in partnership with the school in order to achieve the best possible education for my child, I agree to fully support the school in all the areas outlined.