

KS3 Curriculum Vision 

At Mount St Joseph, we believe a high-quality history education will help students gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We think History should inspire students’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching at Mount St Joseph equips students to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps students to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.

What your child will learn 

Year 7

Vikings - ‘How vicious were the Vikings?’ 

Britain in 1066 - ‘How turbulent was the year 1066 for England and why?’ 

Silk Roads - How did the Silk Roads change the world?’ 

Medieval England - ‘What can we learn from John Hatcher’s ‘The Black Death’ about the experiences of ordinary people when the Black Death arrived in England?’ 

The Aztecs - ‘How does Aztec society compare to modern day British society?’ 

The Mughal Empire - ‘How tolerant were the Mughal Emperors?’


Year 8

Tudor society - ‘Why was there a religious rollercoaster under the Tudors?’ 

Queens of the 14th and 15th century - ‘How did Queens maintain control in a patriarchal world?’ 

The Stuarts – ‘Why did the British people execute their own King?’ 

The Slave Trade -What can we learn about the experiences of the Slave Trade from the ‘Interesting Narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano’?’

The Industrial Revolution - ‘How did English society change during the Industrial Revolution?’ 

World War One - ‘To what extent did one bullet cause World War One?’ 


Year 9

Consequences of World War One - ‘How did World War One affect the world?’ 

The rise of dictators - ‘How did 3 dictators destroy democracy?’ & ‘How did Politics change over the years in Europe?’ 

World War Two for the people of Bolton – ‘How did the residents of Bolton experience World War Two? Was this different to the rest of Britain?’ 

The Holocaust (A study of morality) -How accurate do you think Browning’s interpretations is of German people’s reaction towards the Holocaust?’

The fight for rights - ‘What steps were taken to achieve equality and rights in Britain?’ 

The Cold War - ‘To what extent was Communism a threat to the United states of America 1945-c1960?’ 


Help your child extend their knowledge 

For each half-term there is a Knowledge Expert Sheet which outlines the essential knowledge that all students in Year 7, 8 and 9 need to know.

Students demonstrate their depth of knowledge by completing their Knowledge Expert Books.

KS3 Recommended Reading 

KS4 Curriculum Vision 

At Mount St Joseph, we believe a high-quality history education will help students gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. At KS4 we want to inspire students to deepen their understanding of people, periods and events; allowing them to explore a variety of different societies and cultures. We believe it is important for students to have an in-depth knowledge of key characteristics of different societies and individuals. We think History should inspire students’ curiosity to know more about the past and at GCSE develop clear debates and judgements regarding key events, discoveries or individuals. At KS4, students will understand and explain confidently the complexitiy of historical events, people’s lives and the change or continuity that has taken place between centuries. Furthermore, at KS4, students will develop their analytical skills through in-depth reading of historians’ accounts and primary sources. They will, therefore, become successful historians: capable of reading interpretations, using ambitious and historical vocabulary, and forming clear judgements about the past.


What your child will learn 

Year 10

Medicine through time c1250-c1700 - ‘How effective was the Church in influencing ideas towards medicine and care?’ 

Medicine through time - ‘To what extent did medicine change from 1700?’  

Medicine on the Western Front – ‘How did World War One change medical understanding and treatment?’ 

Spain and the Americas -Why was the discovery of land in America significant for the Spanish Emoire and wider world?’

Spain and the Americas - ‘How successful were the Conquistadors in conquering and controlling the land in and around America?’ 

Spain and the Americas - ‘How did the Spanish Empire maintain control over the Americas?’ 

Year 11

Elizabethan England - ‘What problems did Elizabeth I face when she became Queen? How did she overcome these problems?’ 

Elizabethan England - ‘How did Elizabeth defend England and the Protestant religion from threats abroad?’  

Weimar and Nazi Germany – ‘How was Hitler able to become Chancellor of Germany?’ 

Weimar and Nazi Germany -To what extent was Hitler successful in removing opposition and maintaining control?’

Medicine through time - ‘To what extent did medicine change from 1250-present day?’ 



Help your child extend their knowledge 

For each half-term there is a Knowledge Expert Sheet which outlines the essential knowledge that all students in Year 10 and 11 need to know.

Students demonstrate their depth of knowledge by completing their Knowledge Expert Books.

KS4 Recommended Reading