Data Collection Sheet

Data Collection Sheet

Students Personal Information

Please select the correct gender:*

Student's Home Address

Parent and Emergency Contact Details (Please complete in Priority order): Contact Priority 1

Please select your gender:

Contact Priority 2:

Please select your gender:

Cultural Information

Additional Information

Dietary Needs:

Medical Information

My child suffers from (please tick relevant boxes):*

Parish Information - Only required if you are Catholic

What Modern Foreign Language does your child study at primary school?*
I am happy for child to take part in: Off site trips, sporting activities during the school day within the local authority*

Youth Support Services

The Youth Support Services support young people, helping them to achieve their potential and to realise the benefits from education and training

I consent to Mount Saint Joseph sharing information with the Youth Support Services*

Celebrating Your Child’s Achievements and Reporting on Events
As a School we are very proud of the achievements of all of our pupils, and we want to be able to celebrate these achievements both within the School and with others. We may also want to report on significant events which involve our pupils, such as visits from dignitaries. This will involve providing information about involvement in certain activities such as sports.

Promoting the School
We want to be able to promote the School to attract new pupils, and to show the quality of the School. As part of this we want to be able to use photographs and videos of our pupils in promotional material. This will include our prospectus, leaflets and booklets
In order to celebrate my child’s achievements please answer the consent questions below:

External Media (Website, school social media, newspaper) Photograph/video with child's name, class and group*
External media (Website, school social media, newspaper) Use only Student Name, Class and Year (NO PHOTO or FILMS USED)*
Internal Media (Notice Boards / screens in school) Student Photograph / video with Names, Class and group*
Internal Media (Notice boards /screen in school) - Use only Student name, Class and Year (NO PHOTO or FILM USED)*
On the school intranet*

You may change your mind in relation to any of the consents that you have provided at any time. This includes withdrawing your consent to anything that you have agreed to here.
To withdraw your consent to any of the above, or otherwise amend your position, please write to us at:
Mrs N Samuel, Data Protection Officer at
This consent will otherwise continue until your child leaves the School [or your child reaches the age of 14 years old at which point the School will seek consent directly from your child in relation to the above matters.

Working in partnership with the school in order to achieve the best possible education for my child I agree to fully support the school in all the areas outlined, including the commitments set out in the Home School Agreement.